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Getting Started

Let's run a Sisyphus service in five minutes.


Start by cloning our example project sisyphus-showcase.

git clone
cd sisyphus-showcase

Required Tools

  • JDK 17 or above

Any JDK version 17 or higher can be run, except for Azul Zulu, which is provided at the link.


Use java -version to see the version of your JDK.

Run the Showcase Service

Once the JDK is configured, simply run ./gradlew bootRun to start the service.

When the display shows ./gradlew does not have permission to execute, you can use chmod +x to make ./gradlew with execute permission.

> ./gradlew bootRun
> zsh: permission denied: ./gradlew
> chmod +x gradlew

When you see a log like the one below, it means that the service has started and is listening on port 7469.

2022-07-01 21:23:15.635  INFO 32159 --- [           main] c.b.s.starter.grpc.ServerLifecycle       : Running gRPC server via netty on port: 7469
2022-07-01 21:23:15.640 INFO 32159 --- [ main] MainKt : Started MainKt in 0.825 seconds (JVM running for 1.11)

The first time you execute bootRun, the required dependencies are automatically downloaded, which may take some time, so don't worry that the service will be ready in a few minutes.

Project Structure

Next, use Intellij IDEA to create a project from existing code, select the showcase folder, and choose Gradle from the imported modules option to import the Showcase project and start development.

The Showcase project is a standard Gradle project, with the project configuration in the settings.gradle.kts and build.gradle.kts files in the root directory.


IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate and IntelliJ IDEA Community can both be used to develop Sisyphus projects and there is no major difference in functionality.


For the Gradle plugin part, we used Kotlin, Spring and Sisyphus Protobuf.

plugins {
kotlin("jvm") version "1.6.20" // Kotlin Jvm Plugin
kotlin("plugin.spring") version "1.6.20" // Kotlin Spring Plugin,Automatically mark classes with @Configuration, @Service annotations as open
id("org.springframework.boot") version "2.5.4" // Spring Boot Plugin
id("com.bybutter.sisyphus.protobuf") version "1.5.22" // Sisyphus Protobuf Plugin

In the dependencies section, just add sisyphus-grpc-server-starter and all related dependencies or configurations will be configured automatically.

dependencies {


When the project is synchronized, the src/main/proto folder contains all the proto defined by the showcase service, and the Sisyphus Protobuf plugin takes care of converting the proto files into Kotlin code.

Execute the generateProtos command in the Gradle Task window to generate Kotlin code for all proto files.

The generated code will be in the build/generated/proto/source/main/ folder and will be included in the final compilation of the Jar.

Spring Application

showcase is also a standard Spring Boot application, so you can configure the application using the Spring Boot configuration method.

All the service implementations marked by the @RpcServiceImpl annotation can be viewed in the impl package.

class EchoImpl : Echo() {

The Echo class is generated from service Echo {} in echo.proto.

All methods are marked with the suspend keyword, which means that the entire service implementation supports Kotlin concurrency.


You've already learned the basics of using Sisyphus, but check out our other tutorials and documentation for more features of Sisyphus.