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Implement a gRPC API

All gRPC APIs are defined by service and rpc in the proto file, and these definitions will be generated as Kotlin code by the Sisyphus Protobuf plugin.

service Echo {
rpc Echo (EchoRequest) returns (EchoResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1beta1/echo:echo"
body: "*"

In our code we simply add a class and extends the generated abstract class and then hit the @RpcServiceImpl annotation.

class EchoImpl : Echo() {
override suspend fun Echo(request: EchoRequest): EchoResponse {
TODO("not implemented")

generateProtos Task

Earlier we introduced the generateProtos Gradle task, which generates Kotlin code for all proto files.

Any compilation operation depends on the corresponding generateProtos task, so when the build task is executed, the proto file is also generated automatically.

However, we still need to execute generateProtos manually when the code does not compile properly with incomplete Kotlin.


When the proto file has changed, or when you can't find an element in the proto, just execute generateProtos!

Throwing Exceptions

Feel free to throw a StatusException in the gRPC implementation, and Sisyphus will correctly convert this exception to a gRPC error response.

import com.bybutter.sisyphus.rpc.StatusException

throw StatusException(Code(it.code), it.message).withDetails(it.details)

StatusException` has a number of util functions to provide more information about errors, and the standards for these error messages predefined by Google , and Sisyphus implements these.


When using StatusException, note that it is imported under the com.bybutter.sisyphus.rpc package, not the io.grpc package. io.grpc.StatusException provides the most basic information for exception, and although Sisyphus can handle it, it is not recommended because it does not support additional information.

Implement echo API

Knowing how to create a Message and throw an exception, we can properly implement the Echo.echo API.

override suspend fun echo(input: EchoRequest): EchoResponse {
input.error?.let {
throw StatusException(Code(it.code), it.message)
return EchoResponse {
this.content = input.content
this.severity = input.severity

The above example is the simplest gRPC API that converts the content in EchoRequest to the content in EchoResponse.

If the EchoRequest contains an error, a StatusException is thrown to display the error.